Monday, 30 April 2018

Understanding deliverability: the difference between blocking and blacklisting

It's true: email deliverability best practice is not the most exciting topic, but it's a necessary evil Ignore it and, by the time you've run into problems, it will take a very long time to fix. Pay attention to it and you'll …..

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Customer satisfaction survey questions and templates

A Customer satisfaction survey (CSAT) allows you to measure customer experience, how much a customer would recommend your business and satisfaction with your brand There are some simple rules to follow when creating a customer satisfaction survey which gives you …..

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Setting the right digital marketing objectives

Chart of the day: Which objectives should be in your digital marketing plans? "Rowing harder doesn’t help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction.” So said, Kenichi Ohmae, who shared the Japanese approach to business planning with its …..

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The 4 data metrics your marketing team needs to track for better conversions

Converting leads into paying customers is the undying challenge for marketing teams and e-commerce companies year after year Every business wants to grow their revenue and reach, yet many still struggle to understand what the numbers actually mean and how …..

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Friday, 27 April 2018

What LMS Marketing can teach you about promoting a new industry

The elearning industry shows how to make niche marketing work The internet is crowded with brands searching for the best way to grab consumers' attention — unfortunately, the roadmap to success is always in flux for digital marketers. With Google's constant …..

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10 reasons why you need a 360 degree Content Marketing Audit

Increase leads and sales by using our full range of recommended tools and techniques to audit your content marketing effectiveness Many content audits are limited by just reviewing SEO or making an inventory of existing content. These are both important, but …..

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Thursday, 26 April 2018

Is your Google Analytics Data GDPR ready?

Google Analytics has not only made it easier for data-driven marketers to work in compliance with GDPR, but has also introduced a new feature to improve sales and marketing integration In an era where every marketer is aspiring to be …..

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How to make use of Google Analytics Attribution Modelling

Your marketing's most valuable player: using attribution. Imagine a typical customer journey for a business like TOMS, a shoe retailer that sells online. A user sees a sponsored Facebook post that was liked by a friend about TOMS, and clicks …..

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How to use Facebook Messenger for research

With more businesses using Facebook Messenger for marketing, brands are also starting to take advantage of Messenger for surveys and research too I'm always on the lookout for new ways of conducting research with users and customers and one study …..

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Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Succeeding in Marketing in Super-Niche Sectors

As your business engages in both traditional and digital marketing practices for different outcomes you will see cross-overs and similarities in the way you work There are overarching “rules”, “guidelines” and marketing best practice you can follow but when you …..

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3 cognitive triggers to increase customer conversion

Understanding some of the basics of the psychology of persuasion and how to apply them, can make a huge difference to your marketing efforts We’ve previously spoken about how psychological principles can help shape and optimize brand communications — not …..

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What is customer lifecycle marketing?

Create a co-ordinated 'always-on' contact strategy for the whole customer lifecycle to boost conversions and retention It's no secret that engaging your customers is crucial to achieving continued sales, and it's also well known that it is usually far easier …..

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Tuesday, 24 April 2018

What’s the biggest content challenge? Marketers reveal all

Chart of the day: Time is the biggest challenge when it comes to content marketing Marketers have revealed time and quality are their biggest content marketing challenges according to research by Clearvoice. Time, content quality and creating content were the …..

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Mobile Marketing Statistics compilation

Statistics on consumer mobile usage and adoption to inform your mobile marketing strategy mobile site design and app development "Mobile to overtake fixed Internet access by 2014" was the huge headline summarising the bold prediction from 2008 by Mary Meeker, an …..

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Email marketing trends 2018

6 emerging email and marketing automation trends to help inform your 2018 email marketing communications strategy Email marketing continues to be a vital communications channel with the DMAs latest Email tracker showing that email receives 30 times return on investment on …..

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10 automated email campaigns that improve the customer journey

Email marketing may not seem as sexy as some marketing channels. But when it comes to results, it leaves the rest in the dust Research by McKinsey tells us email is 40 times better at acquiring new customers than Facebook …..

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Monday, 23 April 2018

Google’s new Conversion Probability metric

Chart of the Day: Use Machine Learning AI to understand the propensity of your site visitors to convert I'm reviewing a different type of Chart today since while reviewing Google's Demo Account while working on some new learning materials for our …..

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How to create a Twitter Marketing strategy for 2018

Are you looking for the right mix of activities that can help you create a power-packed Twitter marketing plan? Here are a few activities that can get you hundreds of thousands to millions of impressions, engagements, retweets, replies, likes, link …..

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What your brand strategy should look like in the era of voice search

The rise in voice search has already stolen the marketing tech headlines for 2018 but will this year see this much talked about tactic take centre stage as to how organizations adapt their propositions to cater for voice optimization? If …..

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Friday, 20 April 2018

KPIs for apps – optimise your Mcommerce Apps and Mobile UX

Which KPIs will help retailers optimise their mobile apps? Well, you've finally launched your app and like other app makers in the retail space, you are looking to increase engagement with your users and generate income. You are monitoring your downloads and …..

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Thursday, 19 April 2018

The Anatomy Of A (Perfect) Landing Page [Infographic]

Create a perfect landing page that converts viewers into customers Those in the online business may be aware of the benefits of a well-designed landing page. As a goal conversion tactic, a landing page is an effective marketing tool that …..

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How ethnography can help improve UX

Short ethnography studies can help to create personas and improve your website user experience and usability Anyone who reads my Smart Insights blog posts will probably know by now that I try to achieve two things: Show marketers that research …..

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How to create a multi-vendor ecommerce website from scratch

The must-knows if you want to create a multi-vendor website E-commerce marketers who dedicate boundless effort to their businesses aren’t new to being told that “technology” is the best way to make their business work. And as with all good …..

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Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Why isn’t your PPC campaign converting?

A three-step approach to check for paid search campaign mistakes In an ideal world, enterprising entrepreneurs would only need to set up shop, open their virtual doors, and find customers lining up to buy their products. Of course, it’s never …..

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Why you need to invest in interactive Email and Automation

Two major trends in email must not be ignored: interactive email and automation. For certain messages, an old-fashioned email with a plain-text, well-written letter and a call-to-action at the bottom just might do the trick. But unless you want to …..

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5 UX techniques to improve your web form conversion rates

Web forms are a crucial communication channel between your organization and your audience - so making sure they deliver a first-class User Experience (UX) is imperative. Turning a one-way flow of information into a two-way dialogue with your users, web …..

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Tuesday, 17 April 2018

11.1% of budget is spent on marketing, how does your business compare?

Chart of the day: 11.1% of businesses budgets is spent on marketing activities on average Research by The CMO Survey has found that 11.1% is the average budget spent on marketing. As shown in the chart below, 11.1% on average …..

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Amazon files patent to ‘listen to all conversations in a room’

The voice assistant could eventually listen to all conversations in a room, identify speakers, and even interrupt them with sponsored suggestions During the Second World War, a campaign warned private citizens against speaking too loosely in public places about matters …..

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Review your options with Spotify and the growing potential in audio marketing

Three ways that marketers can benefit from working with Spotify When marketers talk about ‘content’ one often thinks of words, images, video, or a combination of all three, such as infographics or interactive visuals. However, in recent years there has …..

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The best webinar tools to help plan your webinar

Have you tried using webinars yet? What tools are you using to host and promote your webinars? Do you want to learn more about what it takes to plan and promote an effective webinar? Smart Insights have kindly asked me …..

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Monday, 16 April 2018

Research on adoption of Account-based marketing (ABM)

Chart of the Day: How much budget is being allocated to ABM? This week, I thought I'd take a look at the popularity of ABM since we have been getting a lot of interest in our recent series of articles on …..

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Website Customer Feedback Tools review

6 types of user experience and online audience surveying tools to help create a more customer-centred website and brand Web analytics tools such as Google Analytics are used by nearly every company since they provide valuable quantitative data on site …..

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The Content Optimization Matrix

Audit your content and SEO with our mindtool to get more from your content marketing One of the biggest appeals of digital marketing is that it's data-driven - we can readily review the effectiveness of our activities and make informed …..

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A starter guide to creating webinars

Webinars are great for generating quality leads, building trust with an audience, reaching more people, and converting more leads into customers In an increasingly competitive market where consumers get hit with content from all sides, webinars allow you to offer …..

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Friday, 13 April 2018

Multinational Marketing: How to Take Your Agency Across the Pond

4 strategies to help your agency expand abroad As recently reported by The New York Times, the world market has finally escaped the throes of the economic crisis, as we now see every major economy enjoying simultaneous growth. While the reasons for …..

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Thursday, 12 April 2018

Millennials, as we know them!

Chart of the day: How does device preference for online activity differ with generations? Marketers are always raving about Millenials and how important it is, for their brand to reach and target this segment of the population, especially the youth-oriented …..

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How split testing increased a sales funnel conversion rate by 41% [case study]

Learn how AWA digital helped Superfi increase conversions by a data-driven header test Hifi retailer Superfi came to conversion rate optimisation (CRO) agency AWA digital wanting to increase the conversion rate from their ecommerce website. Using their tried-and-tested research framework …..

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10 things you can user test on your B2B website

10 simple test ideas for your B2B website, to increase conversions and improve the user experience, through user testing User testing is the process of testing elements of a website to improve conversion, sales and revenues, as well as overall …..

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Essential A/B and Multivariate Testing Tools.

Use these testing tools to help structure your experiments and boost your conversion rate A/B tests allow you to run one or more different versions of a page which may include one or more of different features such as a call …..

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Wednesday, 11 April 2018

What does the future hold for data collection and online privacy?

Chart of the Day: 2 in 3 ad-blockers worry about how companies use their personal data Data, and database marketing, allows to deliver targeted, personalized and relevant advertisements and communications in real-time dependant on where the user is in the …..

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8 Online revenue model options for Internet businesses

Selecting the best revenue options for Internet startups I'm often contacted by site owners with an idea for a new site who are trying to work out how much revenue they'll be able to raise depending on the number of …..

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How to use (Advanced) Segments in Google Analytics

10 ways to segment website visitors using Google Analytics When I work on E-commerce projects to identify methods to increase conversion I always start with a structured analysis of current effectiveness of customer journeys using Google Analytics to help identify …..

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Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Which of the words brands are performing best on Facebook?

Chart of the day: Netflix is the best performing brand in terms of highest average number of comments from users on their posts and highest on post shares Scandal or no scandal Facebook is still hugely important to brands and customers, …..

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Dave Chaffey on how to use personas for Digital Marketing

Dave Chaffey talks with Grant LeBoff about how to correctly use Marketing Personas Personas are a term that you often hear marketers discussing, but don't always completely understand. In this video, Dave Chaffey, our CEO and  author of Digital Marketing, explains …..

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How and why you need to integrate PR into all marketing channels

Positive and negative PR campaigns can affect brand equity and identity - learn how to apply positive PR across touchpoints in the RACE customer lifecycle It's a general marketing myth that without PR (positive or negative) consumers won't know who …..

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How ecommerce can increase conversions with AMP

An easy, visual guide to help you implement AMP for ecommerce to increase conversions E-commerce is all about creating an amazing shopping experience online for the visitor with the intention of getting them to click, convert, and become a customer. …..

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Monday, 9 April 2018

Omnichannel customer experience benchmarks

Chart of the Day: A shockingly low rate of personalization of the customer journey is revealed The growth in use of mobile devices and increasingly complex customer journeys means that multichannel retailers need to deliver customer experiences that that integrate across …..

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This is why now is the time to do persona research

I'm sorry to break it to you, but building personas probably take twice as long as you think it will. Now's the time to create accurate personas to reap the rewards from doing so. When thinking about personas, what comes to …..

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Persuasion Marketing: How to Create Personas to Better Engage Your Audience

Improve audience understanding for more persuasive marketing campaigns in four steps Gone are the days of randomly placing keywords and ranking for any term we liked. Today’s savvy marketer recognizes that in order to succeed in the Google search results, …..

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Friday, 6 April 2018

7 ways to improve customer experience on mobile

Optimize your customer experience on mobile to avoid being left behind Not long back, the secret of business success on the Internet seemed to be all about product and service quality. Whereas quality is an enabler of success, it’s not …..

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5 essential social media listening tools and how to use them

The best social media listening tools to use in 2018 to help you develop your social media strategy “The success of a relationship is solely dependent on two factors: a man's ability to listen lovingly and respectfully to a woman's …..

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Using social media marketing in B2B markets?

How does social media compare to other channels for B2B Marketing? Social media marketing might initially appear to be the sole preserve of the business-to-consumer (B2C) marketer. But according to this research into B2B Social media marketing by Omobono, not only can …..

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Thursday, 5 April 2018

How has marketing automation developed?

Marketing is the lifeblood of business. After all, your product or service won’t promote itself! There are many ways to market your products to your target market. Brands will use anything from storytelling to price in order to attract new …..

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Why you need to boost your Conversion Rate Optimization

Whether you’re new to Conversion Rate Optimization or a seasoned pro, you need a solid CRO programme to take your digital marketing career to the next level Done a lot of split or multivariate tests, or various other CRO activities, …..

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How to run a healthy conversion rate optimization process

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) has generated a lot of hype and it is seen as a silver bullet that will solve all the problems the ecommerce business has. The truth is there are two sides of the same coin. The …..

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Wednesday, 4 April 2018

100+ must-see digital marketing research statistics for 2018

The best digital marketing research, across marketing channels - including SEO, PPC, CRO, social, mobile, martech, email, ecommerce, and UX - to help inform your 2018 marketing strategy Because the state of digital marketing is always evolving, it is important …..

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Facebook: Is your life in their database?

Everything you need to know about the Cambridge Analytica scandal, the use of big data what the future holds for Facebook Each year, targeting technologies get increasingly sophisticated. Machine Learning has turned simple algorithms into sophisticated Big Data which helps …..

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Influencer Marketing: The new face of marketing?

Social networks have evolved to give birth to a revolutionary form of marketing called influencer marketing The savvy advertiser will tell you that now, social media is the best avenue to reach a market whose decision-making process is influenced by …..

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Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Which industry has the highest conversion rate?

Chart of the day: Unbounce reveals business consulting, travel and job training industries have the best conversion rates. The comprehensive report, which evaluates thousands of conversion rates has found the three industries with the highest conversion rates. Business consulting, whilst most …..

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Google Lens and the future of Visual Search

The way forward for AI and retail is Visual Search Machine learning is taking online search to new levels, and it’s not just voice search that’s on the rise. While many have been focused on the marketing potential of capturing …..

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Welcome Email Success [Case Study]

Find out how Southbank improved their open and click-through rate with a simple email welcome sequence First impressions in life are all important. This is certainly true in the world of email. Welcoming a new subscriber is a key point …..

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Monday, 2 April 2018

10 free online marketing tools that every “hands-on” marketer should use

The best tools for understanding your online customers, competitors and campaign effectiveness? I find that when running training courses, the tools I recommend to help marketers are always popular, especially the free tools... On courses, I'm oftenasked for a list …..

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How long does it take to rank in Google? [infographic]

How old are the top ranking pages and what does this mean for your business? One very common question everyone wants to know is 'how do I get my website ranking on Google?' Marketing agencies are probably used to hearing this …..

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Email marketing engagement and response statistics 2018

The best email statistics sources to benchmark open and clickthrough rates for your email campaigns in your industry sector Email marketers often ask "how do our campaigns compare"? They're looking for email statistics to compare subscriber engagement for open, clickthrough …..

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Social Media Marketing Trends 2018

Top 5 social media trends for 2018 you need to include in your marketing strategy, including predictions from 10 social media specialists Brands are trying in more ways than ever to connect with audiences across a range of social platforms. …..

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