Monday, 7 August 2017

Telesales remain a successful channel for sales representatives

Chart of the day: Closing more deals remain the top priority for sales teams worldwide, whilst getting a response from prospects remains a challenge - part 3 of 10.

Last week, my chart showed the priorities and challenges of a marketing team. This week we will delve deeper into the sales team within businesses to uncover their priorities and challenges.

What are your company's top sales priorities for the next year?

Sales priorities

For the majority of sales professionals, closing more deals remains a top priority (71%). However, improving the sales funnel is in second place (44%) and social selling and other sales strategies are third (29%).

Investing in sales technology (16%) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) (14%) are the lowest scoring priorities.

What is the most difficult to do in sales compared to 2 to 3 years ago?

Even though closing more deals remains a high priority, 35% of respondents feel this is one of their biggest challenges compared to 2 to 3 years ago. Yet, the biggest challenge remains getting a response from prospects.

Sales challenges

Interestingly, respondents also thought avoiding discounting and negotiation (25%) and engaging multiple decision makers at a company (27%) were also challenging. These tasks require more training and a higher engagement, which some people may find difficult.

Tasks such as delivering a presentation, keeping a prospect on the phone, and researching before the initial call or email, are the least challenging tasks (all below 15%).

20% of respondents found connecting via phone difficult. This also remains the most successful channel to connect with prospects.

What has been the most successful channel for your sales representatives to connect with a prospect?

Most successful channels to connect with a prospect

Traditional telesales is still the highest ranking channel for sales representatives to connect with prospects (36%) with email in second place (26%). Modern day channels, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social platforms are still not as successful as a direct approach.

If you can't wait until my next Chart of the Day, you can view the full report online


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